Thursday, August 13, 2009

In emails, California councilman joked about assassinating Obama and Promoting Violence Against Balcks and Latinos ?

A city councilman in Atwater,CA who got in trouble last month for racist emails is at it again,this time so called joking about President Obama being assassinated .Gary Fargo who sent emails to his fellow councilman advocating violence against Blacks and Latino people. In a quote from his email posted by The Merced - Star "One of the most troubling of the new Frago e-mails, forwarded in January, joked that Nokia had designed a new cell phone for "nervous white people" who want to make calls in a series of cities known for their large black populations, such as Oakland and New Orleans. The phone was a gun."
In Another emailed letter from Fargo posted by The Merced-Start Fargo "Another e-mail forwarded by Frago on Dec. 9, 2008, was in the form of a fictitious letter sent by Sen. John McCain to John Hinckley Jr., a man obsessed with actress Jodie Foster, who attempted to assassinate President Ronald Reagan in 1981. The letter said that Hinckley would be released soon and he should know that Obama was sleeping with Foster now."
This Fat Bastard (Fargo) Came into the lime light last month for when other emails were made public saying "Palin got a $1million dollar offer to pose nude for playboy And Michelle Obama got the Same offer to pose for National Geographic".
This man is a Sick bigoted white sheet wearing bastard,Since when did talking about assassinating a President Become a joke? Or since when did saying white people need Nokia Phone guns to shoot and kill Latino and Black people .
Why is this council board allowing you to stay in office in the first place.You should be in jail for promoting violence against The President,Blacks and Latinos .Photo of the Fat Bastard and Link to Article below

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